Robert Lax was born in Olean, New York, on this day in 1915, to Sigmund and Rebecca Lax, both Jewish immigrants.
To honor his birthday, here’s a brief selection from his poetry (and his soul):
Who can speak for the soul's delight in a beautiful day? Who can tell the wonder that enters through the eyes & into the heart? Who knows the soul's rejoicing? The whisper it would make to its Maker, the whisper of love, the song of glory? Who knows the soul's delight in beauty? The light is on the mountains in the brush country, & I am tortured by the beauty of the light upon the mountains in the brush country. (a selection from a longer poem set down on November 12, 1947, in Hollywood, CA) --p. 68, journal E/tagebuch E: hollywood journal, published by pendo-verlag, 1996