Robert Lax’s Words are Inspiration for Meditation in New Book

Padraic O’Hare, professor emeritus of religious and theological stuies at Marrimack Colllege in North Andover, MA, has made Lax’s writings the center of a mediation in his new book, An Invincible Summer Within: Contemplation Practice.

The book is composed of 72 sessions of contemplation practice.

Among the Lax quotes from Pure Act O’Hare includes is this one:

“Each moment should have the power of an instinctive movement, but should be fully informed by thought–a combination of reflection and spontaneity; an immediate response to stimulus: immediate but total and mature.”

You can order An Invincible Summer Within here.

Padraic O’Hare is the author and editor of eight books, including two prior works on contemplation (meditation) practice: The Way of Faithfulness: Contemplation and Formation in the Church (1993) and Busy Life, Peaceful Center: A Book of Meditating (1995). The 1993 work received First Prize as Best Book in Catholic Education of the Catholic Press Association for l995. His other books deal with religious education, social justice, and Jewish-Christian relations.

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