Audio of Nov. 30 Lax Celebration at Poets House Available Free Online

A great crowd of Lax fans and other poetry lovers showed up at Poets House in NYC on November 30 to listen to biographer Michael N. McGregor and poets John Beer and Stacey Tran read and talk about his work.  Now, Poets House has made the entire evening available for free on their website.  Just click here and scroll down to “Related Audio.”

You’ll hear presentations on Lax’s life and development as a poet, the rhythms and musicality in his work, and similarities between his approach and those of artists in other media.  The recording includes discussion among the panel members and their answers to audience questions too.

Reminder: A Celebration of Robert Lax At Poets House in NYC–7 p.m., Friday, November 30

If you’re going to be anywhere near New York City at 7 p.m. on Friday, November 30 (Lax’s 103rd birthday), come on down to Poets House at 10 River Terrace for an evening of talks and readings by poet and former Lax literary assistant John Beer, poet Stacey Tran, and Michael N. McGregor.  For a mere $10 ($7 for students and seniors; free for Poets House members), you can hear Lax’s poetry as well as stories about him.  (His niece and literary executor Marcia Kelly will be in attendance too.)

It should be a grand celebration!